Friday, August 1, 2008

Decorative Painting: Collector's Shelf

When I realized I was picking up my paint brush more often than my rolling pin, it seemed the next logical step was to paint the pin.

Prepare a box to hold the rolling pin while you paint to prevent it from rolling. Notch the sides to allow the pin to hang suspended within the box by the handles.

Seal the rolling pin if there is no finish on it. I purchased one that was pre-finished, so I sprayed with matte finish spray before painting.

Lightly transfer the design with graphite paper, making sure to keep the shelf level across the rolling pin.

Dishes & Pitcher

* Very Dark (VD): D + Burnt Umber
* Dark (D): Raw Sienna + White + touch Black
* Medium (M): White + Raw Sienna
* Light (L): M + White
* Highlight (HL): White

Paint in the following sequence: small dish, large dish and pitcher.

Base the small dish referring to the workup and color placement map. Blend. Shade inside the rim with D and blend out. Add HL and refine the shading with VD. After blending, mop to remove any brush marks. Thin the light mix with turpentine and paint the outside rim. Repeat for the large dish.

Block in the colors on the pitcher and blend. Establish the contour of the pitcher with D on the inside neck curves and under the handle (refer to the color placement map). Add HL and blend out. Refine the shading with VD. Mop blend. The pitcher rim is thinned Raw Sienna + Burnt Umber. Add rim HL with L mix.


* Very Dark (VD): D + Black
* Dark (D): M + Black
* Medium (M): White + Raw Sienna + Cadmium Yellow Light + Ultramarine Blue
* Light (L): M + White
* Highlight (HL): White

Block in L, M and D values; blend. Shade under the rim and the top curve of the crock using mixes a value darker than the basecoat. Blend out. Increase shading with VD where needed. Add HL; blend and mop the entire crock.

Crock Stripe

* Dark (D): Permanent Red Violet + Paynes Gray + White + touch Cadmium Yellow Light
* Medium (M): D + White
* Light (L): M + White
* Highlight (HL): White

Use the stylus to mark stripes in the wet paint of the crock. Place stripe values coordinating with crock values, dark on dark, etc. Blend. Strengthen HL on entire crock.

Bean Pot

* Very Dark (VD): Burnt Umber
* Dark (D): Raw Sienna + Burnt Umber
* Medium (M): D+ White
* Light (L): White + Raw Sienna
* Highlight (HL): White

Block in L, M and D values. Blend. Shade under the rim with D and blend down. Block in handles and knob. Blend. Add HL. Refine shading with VD. Mop. Use L on liner brush to make comma stroke design.


Color mixes are the same as for the crock stripe. Fluff in D, then overstroke with the liner brush going from M, L to HL. Add a few dot centers with Cadmium Yellow Medium.


* Dark (D): Leaf Green + Burnt Umber
* Light (L): Leaf Green + White + touch Cadmium Yellow Light

Double load a small blender with D and L mixes. Blend on palette. Randomly place a few leaves around the flowers.

The pattern on the dishes is three stylus dots of the M crock stripe and two comma strokes of the L leaves.

Add violet accents to the pitcher and the bean pot with the flower values. Refer to the color placement map and worksheet. This can be done now while still wet or when dry it can be scrumbled or glazed on.


* Dark (D): Medium value from crock
* Medium (M): D + White
* Light (L): M + White
* Highlight (HL): White

Tape off the tablecloth area. Press the edges tightly to seal. Block in the color values and blend. Add the HL and blend. Mop to remove any brush marks. Remove the tape. Add the stripe with the M value from the crock stripe. Add the edge trim with L comma strokes after you've painted the shelf.


Paint Raw Sienna and shade wi th Burnt Umber near cloth edges. Use Burnt Umber and L from the pitcher with the chisel edge of a flat brush make streaks to resemble wood grain.


After the piece is thoroughly dry, finish with your favorite brand of varnish. To display, put a dot of hot glue to the handle back where it meets the roller to keep it stationary.


Rolling pin, 7"-long

Burnt Umber (S)

Cadmium Yellow Light (L)

Cadmium Yellow Medium (L)

Ivory Black (S)

Leaf Green (S)

Paynes Gray (S)

Permanent Red Violet (R)

Raw Sienna (L)

Titanium White (S)

Ultramarine Blue (L)
#2, 4, & 6 blenders

#00 liner

1/4 wee mop


Graphite paper


Box to hold rolling pin

Odorless turpentine

Masking tape

Matte-finish spray

Decorative wire hanger

Hot glue gun and glue



Oils by Shiva (S), Liquitex (L) and Rembrandt (R).

Brushes by Silver Brush, Ltd.; Golden Natural 2020S #2,
4 & 6 blenders, 2005S #00 liner, 5319S 1/4" wee mop.

Matte spray finish by Krylon #1311.

Rolling pins available at hardware and houseware stores.

Wire hanger (2 1/4" heart and 8" bar) available for $5.00
ppd from Tole House, 5840 Maple Dr., Mission, KS 66202;
(913) 722-0104.

Decorative Painting: Collector's Shelf

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